(Audio) Good Friday Communion Service - The Cup (Luke 22:39-46)


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

Mar. 29, 2024


Throughout the Gospels, we read many examples of Jesus in prayer. In tonight's scripture passage, we hear Jesus in anguish crying out, "Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done."

What was the "cup" Jesus was praying about? It was the full cup of God's wrath, His fury, His holy hatred of the sin of the world. It is this undiluted wrath that each of us as sinners deserves to drink - but He chose to drink it instead. Jesus, who had no sin, willingly drank it in our place. And, if we place our whole faith in this act of amazing love by Jesus on our behalf, we can be saved from drinking from God's wrath when die and are face to face with God the Father. Have you admitted your need to be saved from your sin? And have you placed your total faith in Jesus's sacrifice on your behalf? If not, the time is now!