Who Ya Gonna Call? (Psalm 5 and 2 Samuel 12-16)


8:45AM Sunday discipleship group & 10am sunday Worship Service

Oct. 18, 2020


Do you pray when you're facing difficulty, sadness, when you are overwhelmed? And, if so, who do you call on in prayer? In whom do you have faith? In the midst of heartbreaking family tragedies - many of which were the consequence of his own sin - David called on the one true God of the Bible. David knew that God understood his pain because David had a deep, personal, lasting relationship with God. In spite of grievous sins King David committed in his life, God called David a man after His own heart because of his confession, repentance and deep faith. God's willingness to forgive David's confessed sin is a picture of the grace and mercy He provides believers through Christ.